Community of Metros News: COMET 2024 Annual Meeting in Singapore, 21-24 October

The TSC was very honoured to participate in the successful COMET 2024 Annual Meeting hosted by Singapore SMRT last week. The event brought together approximately 85 metro leaders from 28 cities around the world. Under the theme of “Building Fundamentals and Resilience”, the event included the CEO / COO Day where metro leaders openly shared their experiences about preparing for future needs relating to service quality, financial sustainability, and staffing.

The delegates had the opportunity to visit SMRT’s Kim Chuan Depot, where SMRT showcased their cutting-edge in-house technology to ensure system safety and reliability. During the event, member metros celebrated COMET’s 30th anniversary together. The remarks from Hong Kong MTR and Buenos Aires EMOVA highlighted the collaboration, benchmarking, and knowledge exchange amongst metro peers in the past three decades.

The TSC is incredibly proud of the partnership with members from the 45 metro organisations around the world. We very much look forward to many more years of collaboration in the future.

Research: Customer Assistance in Low Staff Environment

In recent years, the use of self-assistance tools in stations has accelerated – driven by technological development, staff shortages, and reduced face-to-face contact during COVID-19. Considering emerging financial challenges, many metros are now reviewing station staffing models with the aim of improving operational efficiency while maintaining a good customer experience. Changing customer behaviours and staff shortages are key drivers of staff reductions, but there are also other drivers affecting station staffing models such as external policies and levels of crime.

Factors Affecting Station Staffing Models

This study included responses from 31 metros reviewing factors impacting staffing level decisions, customer service challenges in low staff stations, station staffing models, and opportunities to reduce staff. Examples of innovations to reduce staffing requirements across key areas of station staff responsibilities e.g. ticketing and customer information, were also presented, along with best practices carried out by metros and the most impactful tools used by both customers and staff in low staff stations.

Community of Metros News: CoMET 2019 Annual Meeting in Paris

Sixteen members of CoMET and three members of Nova joined the CoMET Annual Meeting hosted by Paris RATP from 11th – 15th November 2019. During the meeting, members heard the latest updates from each metro as well as the case study presentations on Managing and Reducing Absenteeism, Station Staffing Models, and Managing Works Affecting Revenue Service.

Four structured discussion sessions were held in the CEO/COO day: Ridership Trends, Metro Reliability, Workforces for the Future, and Digital Transformation of Metros. Several metros delivered presentations to share their good practices.

The technical visit brought members to Châtelet Metro and RER Station as well as the control centre for RER Line A and Line B. After the meeting, members also had the opportunity to visit the Line 14 Extension Project, Line 14 Operational Control Centre, Line 4 Automation Project, and General Control Centre for all modes (metro, tram, bus, RER).