In May 2014, Nova members from 16 cities around the world were hosted by Toronto TTC for the Annual Meeting of Nova metros. Each metro provided updates on their latest news and developments.

Members visited three active construction sites, including a completed tunnel, along the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension (TYSSE): Downsview Park (Sheppard West), Finch West, and Highway 407. They also carried out a tour of TTC’s multimodal system, with a focus on integration and transfers between modes.

Results and best practices were presented from the three research projects carried out in the last six months, on the topics of:
- Understanding Revenue and Demand
- Impact of New Lines, Extensions and Major Projects on the Existing Metro
- Planning and Execution of Major Events
Results were also presented for CoMET studies on Communication with Passengers, Dwell Time Management and Human Operational Support for Unnattended Train Operation Lines. Discussion followed each of the studies.
The Nova Chair for the next phase will be Joakin Granados from Barcelona TMB.