Managing an ageing workforce is a challenge for many metro operators, with some reporting large waves of retirement where significant numbers of highly qualified and experienced staff are lost. The impact of this on metro operations has been compounded by staff shortages more generally related to recruitment and retention challenges since COVID-19 began. The study included information from 27 metros with regard to their growing staffing concerns and best practices for managing staff retirement.
Metros reported the impacts of retirement, retention and recruitment on staff shortages pre COVID-19, now and in the future. By 2022, almost half (48%) of metros perceived recruitment to be an issue, while retirement was considered a major or minor issue in a quarter of metros (26%) and retention had become an important issue in a third of metros (35%).
A number of measures have been taken by metros to respond to short-term staff shortages, and in the longer term to help retain institutional knowledge. The study identified good practices and actions for mitigating impacts of staff shortages and addressing longer term skills gaps.